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    2012年11月22日,在中华环保基金会主办的“金太阳温暖之夜” 城市公益艺术展上,安正时尚集团与艺术家崔岫闻女士、知名音乐人李泉先生一起联名捐赠,为青海省三江源无电牧区“安正时尚集团李泉崔岫闻联名清洁电力爱心学校”提供太阳能发电系统及产品的援建,帮助他们解决用电问题,从2013年6月项目考察至今,历经3个月的时间,学校太阳能发电系统在极端恶劣的自然条件下已经顺利建设完毕,孩子们终于可以不用再点蜡烛看书,能够坐在明亮的灯光下学习。青海省三江源无电牧区地处国家电网覆盖不到的偏远地区,地区内学校、村庄、寺院的用电问题一直困扰着当地居民。


    2008年汶川地震,2010年舟曲特大泥石流灾害,无论何时,安正时尚集团都始终站在了灾区人民的身后,向他们伸出援手。2011年,安正时尚集团出资成立了嘉兴地区第一家非公募基金会——安正慈善基金会,用以帮助社会弱势群体,先后捐助百万余元。近年来,安正时尚集团在关注弱势群体的同时也一直在努力改善各地区的教育环境。先后捐助了云南知子罗小学、海宁市高级中学、海宁市一中、海宁市双山实验学校、甘肃渭源县坡儿小学等。并与共青团乐清市委员会共同设立了“乐清市希望工程浙江安正慈善基金会关爱助学奖学金”,以期为孩子们提供更好的教育环境。一路走来的20多年,安正时尚集团在搞好自身发展的同时,时刻不忘回馈社会。“诚信担当 合作 高效 创新 共赢”是安正时尚集团的核心价值观,在回馈社会的过程中,安正时尚集团一直在努力践行着责任和担当,为成长为一名有责任、敢担当的企业公民而不懈努力。安正人也在集团的引导下,做慈善、献爱心,已经成为企业践行社会责任最有力的注脚。安正时尚集团董事长郑安政说:“安正时尚集团会在慈善和公益的道路上继续前行,尽自己的绵薄之力来帮助更多需要帮助的人。”我们相信安正的爱和奉献,将会创造一个又一个的奇迹。

On September 11th 2013, “Anzheng Fashion Group.Li Quan.Cui Youwen Joint Clean Electricity Charity School” was successfully completed. The charity representatives from Anzheng Fashion Group headed to Zhimeicun Primary School in Chengduo County, Yushu at 4500 above sea level to attend the completion ceremony.

On November 22nd 2012, during the “Golden Sun Warm Night” urban public welfare art exhibition, organized by China Environmental Protection Foundation, Anzheng Fashion Group, together with famous artist Mrs. Cui Youwen and famous music person Mr. Li Quan, jointly donated the construction of solar power generating device and other products for the Anzheng Fashion Group.Li Quan.Cui Youwen Joint Clean Electricity Charity School in the pasturing area in Sanjiangyuan Region in Qinghai Province, which solved the power supply for the school. From June 2013 to today, after three months, the solar power generating system has been completed under extremely adverse natural conditions. From now on children no longer have to read under candle light. Instead, they will be able to sitting in the bright classroom to attend classes. The dead track area in Sanjiangyuan, Qinghai Province, is located in the remote area without being covered by state power grid project. The power consumption issue in the schools, villages, and temples in that region has always been a headache for local residents.

To protect the ecological environment of Sanjiangyuan Region and by providing clean energy to local residents, the “Golden Sun Assistance Project-Sanjiangyuan Protection Campaign” started donations from 2010, organized by the Clean Development Foundation of China Environmental Protection Foundation, solved the power supply of schools, villages, and temples in dead track area in Sanjiang Yuan region by making use of solar energy technology. Developed from a small garment company on the Zhonglou Street of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province founded in 1986, Anzheng Fashion Group has grown into a fashion kingdom. After over 20 years’ development, with a dedicated heart to contribute to the public welfare and serve the society, Anzheng Fashion Group has been constantly moving ahead and has been committed to becoming a responsible and qualified corporate citizen and making more contributions to the whole society and all mankind in the world.

During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the disastrous mud-rock flow disaster in Zhouqu in 2010, Anzheng Fashion Group has both provided help and support for the disaster-stricken people. In 2011, Anzheng Fashion Group invested and established the first non-public foundation-Anzheng Charity Foundation-in Jiaxing area, aiming at help the vulnerable groups. Since then Anzheng has donated millions of Yuan. More recently, in addition to focusing on the vulnerable groups, Anzheng Fashion Group is also working on improving the educational environment in various places. It donated Zhiziluo Primary School in Yunnan Province, Haining Senior School, Haining No.1 Middle School, Haining Shuangshan Experimental School, and Po’er Primary School in Weiyuan County, Gansu Province. It also worked with Yeqing Committee of the Communist Youth League in jointly establishing “Love and Education Subsidy of Yueqing Hope Project in Zhejiang and Anzheng Charity Foundation”, hoping to provide a better educational environment for children. After over 20 years’ development, in addition to developing itself, Anzheng Fashion Group has also worked hard at rewarding the society. “Integrity, responsibility, cooperation, efficiency, innovation, and win-win” are the core values of Anzheng Fashion Group. During the process of rewarding the society, Anzheng Fashion Group has never forgotten about its responsibilities and obligations and has always worked hard at building the Company into a responsible corporate citizen. Under the guidance of the Group, all Anzheng employees have also become the main actors in charity, donation, and fulfilling social responsibilities. Zheng Anzheng, president of Anzheng Fashion Group, said: “Anzheng Fashion Group will stick to the cause of charity and public welfare in order to try to help more people in need.” We believe that the love and contribution from Anzheng will keep creating one miracle after another.