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    作为一家富有高度社会责任感的服装企业,安正时尚集团长期致力于社会公益事业,推动中国公益事业的发展。在2012金太阳温暖之夜艺术品慈善拍卖环节,安正时尚集团认捐收藏崔岫闻女士《真空妙有 15号》作品,并与艺术家崔岫闻女士、知名音乐人李泉先生一起联名捐赠,为青海省三江源无电牧区“安正时尚集团?李泉?崔岫闻联名清洁电力爱心学校”提供太阳能发电系统及产品的援建,帮助他们解决用电问题,送去先进环保科技与光明,希望这些孩子们能够在温暖的生活中,与安正时尚集团一起快乐成长。


On November 22nd 2012, the China Environmental Protection Foundation “Golden Sun Warm Night” urban public welfare and 2012 “Spotlight” Municipal Public Welfare art exhibition was held in Beijing Water Cube as scheduled. For its active involvement in public welfare cause, Anzheng Fashion Group was awarded with “Green Responsibility Enterprise Award”. Vice-president Gu Hongwei was invited and presented at the dinner party. Famous musician Li Quan, attended the dinner banquet in formal AZ Anzheng men’s costume and opened the performance with his piano performance.

Being a garment with strong sense of social responsibility, Anzheng Fashion Group has long been engaged in social public welfare cause and promotion of public welfare in China. During the 2012 “Golden Sun Warm Night” charity auction of art works, Anzheng Fashion Group pledged the 15th art work of Emptiness in Non-emptiness & Being in Non-being series, created by famous artist Cui Youwen. Anzheng Fashion Group, together with famous artist Mrs. Cui Youwen and famous music person Mr. Li Quan, jointly donated the construction of solar power generating device and other products for the Anzheng Fashion Group.Li Quan.Cui Youwen Joint Clean Electricity Charity School in the dead track area in Sanjiangyuan Region in Qinghai Province, which shall solve the power supply for the school, provide them with environmental technology and light so that the children may live in warmth and grow happily together with Anzheng Fashion Group.

Anzheng Fashion Group has always been working at rewarding the society within its capacity. Anzheng has also set up Anzheng Charity Foundation, aiming at help the education in poverty-stricken areas, including help impoverished children to go to school and providing educational support. The “Gold Sun Warm Night” activity was also a chance for Anzheng Fashion Group to contribute to the ecology protection at Sanjiangyuan region. In the future, Anzheng Fashion Group will continue is public welfare cause and spread their big love wider and broader.