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     "可是,真相与幻境,不过是一体之两面。一眼瞬光,错觉与幻觉相互呼应。永恒的底色,并不存在的中心,从沉重与怀疑中释放魔幻似的哲理,有关着装美学真相的表情,呼之欲出。"时间、记忆与分裂象征着女性最动人的特质,理性独立与感性天真构筑了女人最美而分裂的人格。但是,时间与思想,觉醒与抉择,信仰与自我,什么才是一直追寻的真理,而什么才是真相的表情? IMM尹默2013秋冬以"视错"为服装的设计理念,承接了上季的感官之旅,给我们带来了全新“真相的表情”的主题演绎。IMM尹默对真相的艺术追寻,联合灵魂舞者小珂、唐棠肢体美学的跨界启发,表达品牌中所蕴涵的独立真我认知,启发关于IMM尹默着装哲学的各种对抗性奇思妙想。


“However, truth and fantasy are but unity of the two sides. Within one glance, illusion and fantasy corresponds to each other. The eternal background color and the not-to-be-found center release magical philosophy from heaviness and suspicion. Expression related to the aesthetic truth of dressing is therefore vividly displayed.” Time, memory, and cleavage are the most attractive features of women. Sensible independence and sensual innocence creates the most beautiful split personality. However, regarding time and thought, awakening and choice, belief and ego, which is the truism we’ve been looking for and what is the expression of truth? IMM 2013 fall-winter series, on the design concept of visual illusion, inherited the sensual feature of the spring-summer series and provided a brand-new explanation about “expression of truth”. Relying upon the consistent pursuit after truth of art and incorporating the cross-boarder inspiration of Soul Dancer Xiao Ke and Tang Tang’s body aesthetics, IMM brand, with its profound cognition about one’s true self, inspired various confrontational ideas of IMM’s dressing philosophies.

IMM 2013 fall-winter “expression of truth” interprets fashion from different perspectives in an attempt to inspire women’s aesthetic understanding in the wardrobe and eventually create an opportunity for independent and intellectual women to have a romantic encounter with their wardrobe fashion. IMM, with its brand-new image, will explore the “expression of truth” with you together.