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    --Hemingway Apr. 19261926年4月,在海明威写给菲茨杰拉德信中,他如此定义有关男人的勇气与风度。就如面临荣耀的召唤,男性世界里的规则不论如何风云变幻,理性的平衡法则与灵魂的魄力让其将世界收藏于心。



“Courage originates from men’s pose under crisis.”

-Hemingway Apr. 1926

In April 1926, in his letter to Fitzgerald, Hemingway defined men’s courage and demeanor as such. It was like in face of summon for glories, rules for men, amidst the winds of changes, have always preferred rational balance equilibrium and the energy of their souls in order to conquer the world.

In the fall and winter of 2013, Anzheng men’s wear once again surveyed men’s elegant demeanor and told modern stories from men’s perspective. Presenting fashion, perfection, art, idealists’ ideologies, and poetic space, western reason once again bumped into oriental inspirations.

Anzheng’s 2013 Fall series of men’s wear, concealing the modern and vintage in the conversation between fabrics and time, interpreted the most modern quality and romantic matches with their unique oriental design, and drew the eyeballs in the world.