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    各方队选手准备充分,所向披靡,而为了让更多的观众参与到此次比赛中,我们特地准备了观众互动答题,大家积极参与,现场气氛异常热烈。很快,比赛进行到最后一轮-团队风险题,所谓风险,是挑战与机遇并存。在前三轮中表现一般的三心问鼎队率先获得选题机会。他们选择了最高分值的80分题,场上的所有人都为他们捏了一把汗,但是,他们沉着以对,答题精准。获得满堂喝彩,并成功逆袭,将第二名收入囊中。经过四轮激烈的角逐,来自玖姿事业部的优雅新姿队凭借充分的准备、默契的配合,以380分领先全场比分,拔得比赛头筹。其他参赛队伍也表现不俗,三心问鼎队、I‘m  M队荣获第二名,群英队、勇往直前队、居高声远队获得比赛第三名。

On July 23rd, Anzheng’s first Corporate Culture Quiz Show was held as planned on the 2F of Group building. Six teams in total from various departments and divisions participated in the contest. Vice-president of the Group Mr. Gu Hongwei and Mrs. Wu Jiong and Mr. Wang Zhengyu, chief director of Brand Management Center, were in the contest for supervision.

Before the contest started, Mr. Wang Zhengyu gave his speech for the contest, bringing the first tide of the contest. This contest was divided into four parts, including required questions for each individual, required questions for teams, tie-breaker question for teams, and risk questions for teams. Participants from all teams, well prepared for the contest, showed no significant difference in the scores during the first two rounds. In the third round of tie-breaker questions, things changed. To answer tie-breakers, participants not only needed to know the answer, but had to be quick in hands and eyes and required good cooperation of team members. In this round, Jugao Shengyuan Team and Youya Xinzi Team from JZ Business Division, constantly winning the opportunities for answering question, impressed all the audiences and won loads of applauds for their correct answer and outstanding performance and started leading in the contest in this round.

Players from all teams were all well prepared forged ahead. In order to encourage more audience to participate in the contest, we also prepared questions for audiences. With their participations, the atmosphere at the scene became extraordinarily heated and festive. Soon the contest went into the last round-the risk question for teams. Risk was a name for both challenges and opportunities. Sanxin Wending Team, who showed average performance in the first three rounds, was the first to answer the questions. They chose the question with the highest score-80. All audiences couldn’t help being worried for them. However, they answered with calmness and accuracy and won rounds of applauds, which turned the whole situation around and finished second in the end. After four rounds’ of intense competition, Youya Xinzi Team from JZ Business Division, with adequate preparation and remarkable cooperation, led in the contest with 380 scores in total and won the champion. The other teams also did well with Sanxin Wending Team and I’m M Team finished second, and Qunying Team, Yongwang Zhiqian Team, and Jugao Shengyuan Team finished third.