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班车到达上海市血液中心,安正家人们进入大厅,开始排号。大家根据号码牌依次进入体检站进行体检。通过严密、系统、科学的体格检查和血液筛检,对献血的伙伴进行体检,对部分身体状况不达标的员工提出了延期献血的通知。这次血液检测,有6名同事因血红蛋白不达标而取消了献血资格。一位护士小姐拉着一位研发中心的伙伴的手问:“是不是经常吃素、熬夜?血红蛋白不达标,平时要多注意身体, 劳逸结合哦!”一句简单、善良的健康提醒,却贴心温暖。通过体检的伙伴们就可以去二楼献血,当天共有42名伙伴进行了血液采集。



Blood Donation-Anzheng People’s Gift to Life

On March 27, 48employees from different departments of Shanghai Operation Headquarters went toShanghai Blood Center by company shuttle bus to participate in unpaid blooddonation, so as to show love and care to society and bring hope to those whowere fighting against death due to loss of blood.

The shuttle bus arrivedat Shanghai Blood Center. Employees of Anzheng walked into the hall and got an identificationtag. They had a medical examination in the medical station in sequenceaccording to their number on the identification tag. After precise, systematicand scientific physical examination and blood test, a notice to postpone blooddonation was given to those who were not qualified to donate blood. 6 employeeswere not allowed to donate blood since their hemoglobin was found to fall belowthe standard after the blood test. A nurse held the hand of an employee fromthe R&D Center and said to it, “Do you often avoid eating meat and fish andstay up late? Your hemoglobin falls below the standard. Please take good careof yourself and strike a proper balance between work and rest!” These wordswere simple but kind and sweet. Those who passed the medical examination might goto the second floor to donate blood. 42 employees donated their blood on thatday.

To organize employees todonate blood, Human Capital Center actively contacted a staff of Office ofShanghai Blood Center to fix a date for blood donation and publicize the blooddonation activity through the OA bulletin board, posters in lifts etc.. Itintroduced general knowledge of unpaid blood donation in details to removepeople’s fear and doubt in blood donation and direct them to treat blooddonation in a right way, so as to attract more people to take action to savethose who were tortured by disease and pain and save those families fragmentedby disease. The day OA publicity was made, over 40 employees signed up fordonating blood without payment. By the deadline for registration, there werealtogether 85 employees who had signed up for donating blood.

As Juzui purchasingmeeting was around the corner, employees of R&D Center, Juzui BrandBusiness Division and Commodity Department, Franchising Management Departmentand other departments closely related to the purchasing meeting were reallybusy. At first some employees hesitated about whether to join the blooddonation activity or not. Several employees even managed to finish their worktasks and donate blood. They gave up the two-day paid vacation provided by thecompany and restored their physical strength with the two-day weekend. Knowingthis, the employee in charge of blood donation of Human Capital Centerimmediately asked the staff of Shanghai Blood Center to reschedule the blooddonation period and extend it. After the coordination of several parties, April8 was also scheduled for blood donation to meet the requirement of theemployees.

Blood is thicker thanwater because there is love in it. Donating blood does no harm to health, butmeans a lot to those who need blood. Due to inconvenience in terms of time andplace, currently the blood donation activity only targets at the employees ofShanghai Operation Headquarter. After the Company relocate in the second half,Human Capital Center will publicize blood donation in Shanghai and Haining, sothat more and more Anzheng people have a chance to donate blood to show morelove and care to society.